Lodge a privacy complaint with us

If you have any complaints or feedback about our services, you can let us know by filling out the form below.

On This Page

Help us address issues of conduct

We welcome your feedback about our services. Complaints and feedback we receive are taken seriously and help us to ensure that our practices reflect our values and provide the best services we can. If for any reason, you have a complaint about our services, we would like to know so we can do our best to resolve the issue and provide a positive outcome.

What we need from you

Please be clear, factual, and tell us the outcome you would like. Providing us with your contact details means that we will be able to follow up your complaint and help us to resolve the issue. We cannot personally respond to anonymous complaints.

How we will respond

We aim to resolve complaints promptly. If, for any reason, we cannot resolve your complaint, we’ll explain why and let you know your other options.

How to make a complaint

To submit your complaint, please fill out the form below with your details and a summary of your feedback.